Thursday, July 12, 2012

Register Online

Virtual Trade Shows & Sales Conferences

We now offer along with our regular trade show displays, signage, etc - the ability to give you a virtual trade show package.  What does this mean?  Well, you can host your own virtual trade shows, job fairs, sales conferences, product launches online and avoid all the hassle of a regular show.  So, no more renting an exhibition hall venue, booking hotels, finding equipment suppliers/contractors, etc.  You can choose form a huge variety of templates for your booths, design them yourself, upload video presentations, sales brochures, VCards and more.  You can also use our virtual sales packages to compliment your regular shows.  It's a great way for people who can't attend your show to attend it and participate online from their home or office.

Tuesday, July 03, 2012

Office Boredom

Okay so someone goofed off and made us watch Yahoo Screen this afternoon - so now we're hooked on Nikki Boyer Make-a-Baby!  You have to admit, the tune is catchy, Nikki Boyer is cute and her facial expressions in the video are perfect.

Where's my card??????

Don't tell me you lost your business cards again?

That's like the second time in the last 2 days!  Okay buddy, here is the perfect solution for you Card Packs.   You see just like mine, your own custom printed business card bound in a little booklet.  Just tear one off and there you go - no more lost cards.  I keep one in my car, briefcase so I am never at a loss for my cards.  They are great for networking events too!  No more fumbling around, is it in this pocket or in my wallet...

You get 25 custom printed cards in each Card Pack with the choice of front and back printing, full color, variety of card stocks with or without lamination.

Card Packs the elegant new way to carry business cards!

Business Card Packs