Wednesday, January 09, 2013

Hmmm and to think no windows!

To start off 2013, I have to think on how clients look at a project and say no, we can't do that, it's impossible, think out of the box.  Are we doing anything new or just re-inventing the wheel?  Big catch phrase is think out of the box.  Hello!  Is anybody there?   That has been done before, long before we were a twinkle in our parent's eye.

Today marks the 150th Birthday of the Tube, or as we across the pond call it the Subway, or en francais Metro.  The word's first subway built in London imagine that?   No windows, no smartphones, no computers, nothing except their minds, bare hands and steam engines.  And we have problems dealing with everyday matters in design and technology.  So, what is our problem?    Why is it human guided projects in the 21st century can't come in on budget, our buildings crumble....

To all that say, think out of the box, that was done in London in 1863 with the birth of the subway, by Walt Disney, The Wright Brothers....

Have a great 2013!