Saturday, June 09, 2012

WELCOME Hello Anyone Out There, Oh Hi, Please to Meet You

Welcome to my world and the blog of the fun, unique promotion people.  This comes to you from a little corner of the world called Montréal. 

As with all things in life passion creates art whether it is being a Master Chef, (yes, we do like Gordon Ramsey), a doctor, a sales representative, a teacher - I have always personally felt that if you love your job then you can be a success.

Success to some is money but one can have achieved success in many other ways.

"The fun, unique promotion people" and as we say en francais, "les gens de la promotion amusante".  You might wonder who we are or what we do - well maybe it's better if I tell you what we don't do at Publicité Ad Factory® Inc.

Stay tuned my friends - Mr. Sulu Take Us Home Warp Factor 7